Doing some updates today, upgraded both Laravel and Statamic to the newest version (well Laravel to the newest version supported by the most recent Statamic). I also did some tweaking to templates, you'll now find on the series pages external links to other sites, these are supported on a number...
As I mentioned in the previous log entry , I'm working on restoring a lot of the editorial content from the Metadot version of the site. There were a number of episodes of Star Trek: Enterprise that had synopsis, reviews, or both written by me back when they first came out. I've restored these...
I've been going through the old Metadot version of the site (circa 2001 - 2006) and have been manually importing editorial content from that site. I will be doing the same thing with the drupal site later, as well as the pre-metadot content. To start with I've been importing the old episode...
I've spent some time this weekend looking through the Internet Archive figuring out approximate dates for each version of Holodeck 3 that has existed in the 28 year history of the site. This history is up on the about page and it is an interesting delve into HD3's past.. I've also started the...
It has been a long time since I’ve worked on , after an earlier version got hacked, I took the site down and neglected to recreate it because it seemed like such a monumental task to bring it back to its former glory. For a while, there seemed little reason to invest in this site,...
Start: 08/22/2008 - 12:00 End: 08/22/2008 - 22:00 Timezone: Etc/GMT-7 The time has come for one last hurrah. As just about everyone knows, Star Trek: The Experience in the Las Vegas Hilton will be closing on September 1st forever. The Holodeck 3 and SubspaceLink Site Network team have been...
Greetings Starfleet Officers. It has been a long time since I have written a SubspaceLink newsletter. The last time I addressed you in a Newsletter Format it was April 11th, 2001. Much has happened in that time, including the tremendous growth of the SubspaceLink. The time has now come to bring...
This page contains my account of the events on the ride itself at Star Trek: The Experience. For effect, I decided to write this as a trek-style personal log in the pov as if everything was a surprise and that I was not aware of the existence of the Enterprise After waiting for an extended time...
My Friends, Unlike most news items I have decided that a normal news article is nowhere near sufficient to show my sorrow for the current state of the world in light of the recent attacks against the very core of my home country, the United States of America. I have received a few emails in the...
To celebrate the series finale of Star Trek: Voyager we held a party in #SubspaceLink [ 1727.46 hours ] *** Cap Away is now known as Cap [ 1739.54 hours ] *** LCARS changes topic to 'Join the SubspaceLink Voyager Endgame Party on May 23rd at 6 p.m. Central Time. Visit our website at...
Hello [ rank ] [ fname ] [ name ], "The SubspaceLink? What's a SubspaceLink? The name sounds vaguely familiar, oh yeah, that's that site that used to send us a newsletter regularly with evaluations of new episodes of Voyager, etc. That was such a long time ago!" Yes it was, but the report of the...
Hello [ rank ] [ fname ] [ name ], Inside this issue: The Best of TNG's Worlds Sing a Little Song for Me Statistics The Best of TNG's Worlds Well the time has come for the season finale of Star Trek Voyager, and this time Paramount...
Inside this issue: The End of the Delta Flyer A 30,000 light-year LifeLine, is that your final answer? Ahh, Voyager is haunted, get him away, get him away!! SubspaceLink Statistics The End of the Delta Flyer This week on Voyager the 6th Seaon's season finale, with only one year left in the...
Hello [ rank ] [ fname ] [ name ], Inside this issue: Greeting The Return of Kes Geppetto The Doc Packs For A "Family Reunion" Uncritiqued Episodes Statistics Hello all, I know it's been an extremely long time since I've released a SubspaceLink newsletter and I deeply apologize for that. Life in...
Inside this issue: Evaluations of recent Voyager episodes A Thank You New Year, New Volume, New Jobs available for SubspaceLink members Promotions and apology Downtime Statistics Evaluations of recent Voyager episodes Since the last I wrote you, there have been 2 new episodes of Star Trek:...
Hello [ rank ] [ name ], Inside this issue: Apology for preceding e-mail SubspaceLink ICQ ActiveList Most Recent News from Voyager SubspaceLink Millennium's Eve Party Closing message to Volume 2 Stats Apology for preceding e-mail My deepest apology for the preceding e-mail message, for some...
Hello [ rank ] [ name ], Inside this issue: Mutiny, times 2 Spotlight Blooper SubspaceLink Chat (Stardate: 099747.9) SubspaceLink contests, coming soon. SubspaceLink e-mail! SubspaceLink webring Statistics Mutiny, times 2 Voyager's 6th Season, and 1st season alone without DS9, began last night...
Hello [ rank ] [ name ], Inside this issue: Promotion and assignment (New position, new job, new feature) SubspaceLink PADD added SubspaceLink stats added to the bottom of this newsletter. Will Voyager outlive its predecessors? Promotion and assignment (New position, new job, new feature)...